
[其他] [090719] 2pm-燦成最欣賞的女子組合成員是WG中的譽恩 (#3英譯)

[090719] 2pm-燦成最欣賞的女子組合成員是WG中的譽恩 (#3英譯)


      Wonder Girls的譽恩
I Want NOBODY, NOBODY but W♥nder Girls....


haha~ MKMF果次合作過之後就鐘意咗yeeun?? lol


English Translation

BEST ENSEMBLE (What do all 7 members have in common?) – The love to dance and sing -
BEST BODY PART (What is the most confident body part of yours?) - Eyes -
FAVORITE RECORD (Who’s your favorite artist or song?) – Brian McKnight…I just love the sentiments in his songs and his voice is so good. -
BEST HELPER (What is it that you do before going on stage?) – (To keep telling myself that) 2PM is the best out there.
FAVORITE TIME (What is your favorite time of the day?) – 1am – 2am when I’m listening to music. –
FAVORITE PLACE – A sunny place where I get to be alone. –
FAVORITE WORD (Which saying makes you feel good?) – “You’re good at singing and performing.” -
BEST LOVE STORY – To go shopping together, have lunch, watch movie and surprise each other…It may seem typical but it’s what a teenage love should be. -
FAVORITE GIRL (What does a girl have to do to move your heart?) – When a girl mostly determines to finish her task.-
FAVORITE GIRL (If 2PM has to welcome a new female member out of all Korean Girl Groups, who would that be?) – Ye Eun from Wondergirls -
FAVORITE MEN (My definition for being ‘a man’) – A man who knows how to control himself and takes care of his family. A man who defends for the girl he loves. A man knows how to think right, though I’m not that kind of guy right now. -
BEST HOPE (What’s your greatest desire so far?) – To be given a chance to do things freely.

