
[專題討論] [100221]Justice網頁更新


Since the arrival of the new edition of the “Nobody” single, including the Rainstone Remix as we’ll as the Jason Nevins Remix. The Justice Stores website also decided to give the girls a make over on the site. By putting up a banner to promote the girls 1st single.

The website also revealed a special ‘Justice’ version of the their MV “Nobody.” The beginning of the MV includes a short introduction of who the girls are. And even shows the girls promoting the Justice Store products.

Also if you also didn’t know the Justice website also released two brand new wallpapers of Wonder Girls in different screen resolutions.

To watch the MV and to get your Wonder Wallpaper, Go here: Hot Cool Stuff Justice
To find a Justice store near you, Go here: Justice Locator


                                                                       圖製的不漂亮,但我愛Wonder Girls的心不會變:)
先藝吐舌頭好可愛啊><             譽恩笑的好開心啊真可愛:)     昭熙的無辜表情好動人~                   Rap王瑜斌姊!                       我愛宣美這表情(是我習慣動作XD

