
[飯拍] [090709] 飯拍圖Jonas Brothers演唱會 - Milwaukee站 (#4,5更新)

[090709] 飯拍圖Jonas Brothers演唱會 - Milwaukee站 (#4,5更新)

因為wonderful以後記形式打..我又費時又only post圖


The Wonder Girls tour moved through Milwaukee tonight. I was lucky enough to be picked as a Fan*tastic along with about 10 other awesome ladies. So here’s how it went down –

Fan*tastics Milwaukee. We all gathered outside the Bradley Center and waited for JYP staff to take us in. They took us into the lobby near the VIP entrance and asked us to wait while they got the girls. We didn’t have to wait long, but we were freaking out to pass the time.

Yup that’s JYP sittin’ back there lol. When they came in we all got to say hi and hug them. I wasn’t expecting a hug, but the girls came right at us. Then we were allowed to take group pics with the girls and after we were handed a signed copy of their single.

JYP was very nice! I did mention to him (somewhat jokingly) that 2PM should come here too. He laughed. Seriously though he talked with all of us and took pics with everyone. I’m a little disappointed we didn’t get individual shots with the girls, but we were all able to get signatures as well. I’m not sure about other cities, but I guess they talked (interviewed?) with the local KISS-FM station and he said you can start requesting “Nobody”. Idk check your local KISS radio station.

They went back inside and we were tasked with handing out fliers (actually they were more like postcards) to people leaving the concert. After all that they let us back in to see the girls at the Meet and Greet.

JYP seemed to be having fun signing stuff for fans. There was a decent line to meet the girls. Probably didn’t hurt that the line was for Honor Society too. JYP staff encouraged us to dance to “Nobody” as it played over the speakers which we did in a fine fangirly manner. We were allowed to take one more giant group shot together of us doing the “Nobody” pose (unfortunately my battery popped out during that so no pic for me :\ ).

credit:omonatheydidnt @ twitter

It was probably about 11PM when they left. I saw a staff member with one of those pink WG bags that keep popping up in pics. I commented how I wanted that, and he said they’d be available eventually. I’m assuming that means over the website.

Here’s me being a dork. While all the fangirls outside were waiting for JoBros I was waiting for WG. I missed seeing them get on their bus as I was on the wrong side of the parking lot (oops). Also my head was turned. :P

JYP mentioned off-hand to us that the next single would be a brand new song. He didn’t mention anything more than that, but he seemed to stress that it was “new”. We shall see.

credit:krzyart @ twitter

Me & Wonder Girls. They were so sweet! I told Yubin she was my fav lol. I hope they liked the gift I gave them.




I Want NOBODY, NOBODY but W♥nder Girls....



from wgcn


source: wonderholic
from kimyoobin.wordpress.com

