
[飯拍] [090707]飯拍圖Jonas Brothers演唱會 - Omaha站 [#2更新]

[090707]飯拍圖Jonas Brothers演唱會 - Omaha站 [#2更新]


by hannahhylen

So as I was saying, my Mom came running out to me (yes, running. such a teeny.) and told me she just met the Wonder Girls, so I ran (Yes, ran. I’m a teeny too.) inside to look for them, found them, and then I took a picture with them :)


If you meet them, do their ‘nobody’ dance, and they will love you :)
… my foot is so awkward in that picture! hahaha we weren’t ready, but what can you do?

Then I got their autograph (I always have sharpies. Silver is best) and then this Mom asked if she could use my sharpie for a minute, and I said yes but then she had each girl sign at least 7 cards. So that sharpie kind of died. I then decided to get one for Soph, so I used my OTHER sharpie (the woman was still using my first sharpie at this point) and then somehow someone got a hold of my second one. hahaah so I had to wait a while until I got my sharpies back so they could sign Soph’s card, which was when one of the girls decided my name was Sophia, since the card said Sophie on it. hahaahahahha

After awhile two of the girls were just standing around, so I asked them to make a video for Rosie, my friend, and right after I started filming the other three got in. It was funny :)

影片:http://www.wondergirlshk.com/dis ... &extra=page%3D1

