
[其他留言或資料] [090813]10 Asia訪問 (英譯) [#2更新中譯]

[090813]10 Asia訪問 (英譯) [#2更新中譯]

[Source: 10asia]
[Translated by: RedMangoLover + Sunmikiwangjang from WGSpectacle]

On the 8th (USA time), there was not much time in the schedule for Wonder Girls day long meeting. They woke up early in the morning to prepare their makeup and costumes for the interview, then followed the interview with a fan signing, then immediately left the fan signing to work as the opening act for the Jonas Brothers concert. Once the Jonas Brothers show ends the Wonder Girls close the night with a fan meeting that usually wraps up close to 12 midnight. In the United States Wonder Girls are an amateur group however they remain confident. Two year after their debut they are again starting from scratch. Even with fan meetings at close to 12 midnight. 10 Asia has flow to Los Angles in the United States to hear about them in America.

[10 Asia] You originally planned to perform in 13 of the Jonas Brothers concerts but after meeting you will participate in all 45 shows. How did this happen?
[YooBin] It takes some time to tell the full story. (Laughs)
[YeEun] After 3 performances I heard there was a meeting, but I don’t know exactly how.

[10 Asia] I heard that Jonas Brothers decided to learn the ‘Nobody’ dance that you teach in the opening performance.
[YeEun] There are different ways to explain this well. The third show was Vancouver and like usual there was a delay in the concert performance that day so they asked us to do a song. You cannot let the audience feel low because of being too late. So anyway, I was not prepared but just went to the mike. The staff thought this was a confusing situation but also knew “This is it!” and the audience reaction to teaching the ‘Nobody’ dance turned out to be good. But this show had many more Korean and other Asian people than any other show.

“From Korea we know that doing so many events in the United States will help”

Sunye ” Where we live in New York we clean, wash our own clothes, and wash the dishes together.”

[10 Asia] It wouldnt have been easy to be in a place that are mostly foreigners.
Sunye: We did so many event performances in Korea (laughs), we are strong in that kind of lifestyle. Such as performing with only two mics, we even performed with mics with cords.

[10 Asia] Including your performances, Jyp has been releasing news about you guys on twitter. Do you know JYP’s nickname is in Korean right now?
Yeeun: Dduk ko (laughs)

[10 Asia] Because of that, people are curious. What exactly is Jyp’s role? He also seems like a Wonder Girls Fan Club member. (laughs)
Sunye: Dduk advertiser. (laughs) Since we don’t know about American activities, he is like a manager/english teacher/producer/others roles as well. Also Korean people living in the US that are mother generations really like JYP. He also has a role of gathering the older generation’s attention. (laughs)

[10 Asia] Recently, even JYP’s employees are learning recent news through twitter. Through twitter they found out he wrote 2pm’s new song.
Sohee: True. Everyday he brags that he gained more followers. (laughs)
Sunmi: He moniters online very diligently he gets heartbroken too.

“Coming to America, Jyp PD feels like an older brother and uncle”

Yeeun “At the Vancouver concert we took a short moment teaching nobody to the crowd.”

[10 Asia] I even saw Yubin’s “Beauty and Beast” twitter picture online. (laughs). If you live like that, Would you feel differently being with Jyp in Korea?
Yubin: Unlike the other members, I knew JYP for a much shorter time. However, In America we have gotten closer, and much more comfortable. Because we got comfortable i found out he could be humorous..although his humor isnt very funny (laughs) in the past, Jyp I though of him first as a producer so it was very hard but now he seems like an older brother and uncle.

[10 Asia] . How does if feel to use Twitter? When you leave a comment on twitter, a few hours it sometimes becomes an article in Korea.
Yubin: I like how we can communicate with our fans on real time. Because I can quickly post what I’m doing, What I’m preparing, and even pictures up.
Sunye: Twitter is very fun. I am thankful for fans that react quickly. Because reading the replies can also be studying. (laughs)
Yeeun: Awhile using twitter, I have felt thankful for Korean fans. Even though they could forget us, they even find us on twitter looking at our pictures and leaving replies for made me felt so thankful.

[10 Asia] Awhile living in America, Yeeun had a time where your left a bunch of replies on UFO. Fans, saying that they received grace, uploaded the evidence online, what happened?
Yeeun: I think that day was the day before the New York concert. The next days we didnt have have a concert so I spent the nigh on the computer because I missed the Korean fans. Except for few fans, we performed in front of mainly Jonas Brother’s Fans. So I missed the fans that love us so much. So my emotions started to come out.
Sunye: That is why in Korean interviews, Yeeun Keeps telling Korean fans. (laughs)

“When we meet our Korean fans, I want to hug everyone single person”

Yubin “I think they were shocked to see a young asian wearing retro clothes and suddenly rapping after singing”

[10 Asia] At the beginning of your US activities, news articles about Sunmi’s message with a title “Confession from the heart” about hard it is. It talked about being nervous, and worried you were, was the US activities hard?
Sunmi: Even in Korea we lived far from our families, but living in another country was very lonely. It was strange. I didnt know what to do so it was hard.
Yeeun: Then Sunmi said that when she meets Korean fans, she wanted to hug every single person.
Sunye: US fans are more open so we hug often, but we never did that in Korea. So Sunmi said when they go to Korea lets have a fan sign meeting, and we talked about having a fan meeting. Have fan meetings here made us miss our Korean fans.
Sunmi: I even cried reading our fan cafes.

[10 Asia] However, on the opposite note, activities in America has some good things. Here you can freely do what you want.
Sohee: In Korea, wherever we go we here “Its the Wonder Girls” but here since they do not know us well we have to confront them first. That is very fine. Everday learning our fans, I like watching our fans reaction change day by day.

[10 Asia] Sohee, you seem to be more active after starting US activies. After deciding to do US activities you said you became more confident.
Sohee: The American culture starts with a “Oh Hi! Whats up!” so naturally my voice became a tone higher and I feel differently.
Sunye: The maknaes become less nervous on stage. They try to eat up the stage. (laughs)

[10 Asia] Living in a different environmnent, have there been changes between member relationships? Unlike Korea, you are starting over again.
Sunye: Because of concerts, we stay at hotels but in New York, where we live we clean , wash our clothes, and wash the dishes together. After Monday at five, that was when we did housework. It was really fun then. When we cleaned we were really united since we like to get things done quickly. (laughs)

“In America, my voice becomes a tone higher and feels different”

Sunmi “In the beginning of US activities, I cried reading our fan cafes.”

[10 Asia] However it seems like there seems to be a reaction towards the Wonder Girls. A video of a fan walking and yelling when seeing the wonder girls was uploaded. Do you think interest towards you guys are growing here?
Sunye: The Jonas Brother’s fans in the internet community is very big so even after the concert we can feel the power ringing. Every time it that happens it seems like word about us is spreading. So out of those fans, our recognition seems to be starting.

[10 Asia] On some video, it said that in America, dances that teenagers knew, Nobody was one of them.
Yubin: Really?
Sunye: Because it is an easy dance anybody can do, it seems to be more fun. And amongst them we hear it is very new. Since five Asian friends wearing these dresses with this make-up singing a addictive song like “Nobody”…And in America dances arent really synchronized so I think they think its cute.
Yubin: I think they think it is cute. Watching five us learning english and going eusha eusha. (laughs)

[10 Asia] Doing these activities in America, it seem you guys are slowing becoming known in the entertainment world. It was big news when you guys appeared on Fox Wendy William’s show, how were you guys casted.
Sohee: They suddenly contacted us.
Sunye: We didnt ask why. We just said “Thank you. We will go right away”. (laughs)

[10 Asia] What do you think of American variety shows?
Yubin: They are mostly talk shows. There it is split up in talking parts, we were part of the performance part.
Sohee: American crowds are more passionate so I like having fun with them.

“In America, singing “Nobody” where we have synchronized dancing seems new”

Sohee: American crowds are more passionate so I like having fun with them.

[10 Asia] It seemed that at the Wendy William’s Show, the crowd got louder at Yubin’s rap part.
Yubin: I think its because they were shocked to see asians wearing retro clothes suddenly rapping after singing.

[10 Asia] I remember in an American interview, Yoobin said that Asians like melodies awhile Americans like groove.
Yubin: Well recently it doesnt seem like that too much but Koreans like the lyrics and melodies that bring lots of emotions awhile Americans like to have fun through their body. During concerts they stand up and start dancing.

[10 Asia] What do you want to accomplish in America?
Sunye: I think its a miracle to experience this opportunity only have two and a half since our debut. During those two and a half years, we experience a lot of good times but also a lot of difficult times, it seems like those times helped us to get this far. It seems like a lot of opportunites have come our way as much as our potential to succeed rises. Instead of setting a goal, we want to just do our best day after day. And for now we want to study english diligently. (laughs)

*Next Wednesday the fun interview with Wonder Girls will continue on [Star on].



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