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標題: [電台看-081006] WG@朴景琳星光閃爍的夜晚 [打印本頁]

作者: se7en2se7en    時間: 2008-10-7 14:00     標題: [電台看-081006] WG@朴景琳星光閃爍的夜晚
第一段: 朴海日 message(饅頭真係面紅)(泡菜饅頭,哈哈)
第二段: 唱 nobody
第三段: 每個人對其他成員既說話,以下是英文翻譯:

Sun Ye
Um, I don’t know what to say. It’s been more than a year and a half since we’ve started working together. Ehen I look back, we went through a lot together, good and sad experiences. There are a lot of people who cheered us on and helped us come to where we are now..ever since those people cheered us on…we didn’t look back, we just ran straight…and in between this journey, I’ve always felt thankful…. but since we spend so much time together everyday I feel like there were a lot of times when we could not really express our feelings and use common phrases like “thank you,” “I love you,” and “sorry.”

There’s probably going to be a time when we think this is going to be the end of our journey, but instead of these thoughts, I hope we live each day being grateful for our experiences, especially the special experiences we 5 members have together. I wish we can focus on the present rather than worrying about the future. When we first started, we weren’t confident…but when we saw ourselves on stage, sparkling more than anyone else on stage, we all said that in order to sparkle we have to stick together. which is why we share a special bond, and now I feel like we have come to a stage in our relationship when I feel like it’s more awkward when we’re not together.

So from now on, instead of worrying, let’s spend each day looking forward to our everyday experiences by continuing to look out for each other, cheer/support each other, love each other, be thankful to each other, and let’s go through this journey together. I love you so very much.

And as the group leader, there are a lot of things I haven’t done for you guys, so I’m sorry, and I’m sorry I have so much flaws…I’m so the other members…thank you. I love you.

Sun Mi
Ever since I entered the group, I feel like time is moving really fast. Maybe it’s because we ran through our journey so fast. I feel like there are a lot things we forgot about and a lot we’ve lost along the way. One by one, let’s find all those things we’ve lost/forgot about and let’s go! What more can say?

I love you. really.

(at the end Yeeun says “Why are you talking to us informally?” *note: technically since she’s younger than most of the members she’s supposed to talk to them using formal language, but she didn’t)

Yoo Bin
I’m the oldest unnie..but I feel like I’m always the one receiving help from you guys. I feel like I get more support and gain more strength from you guys. Despit being the oldest unnie, I feel like I haven’t done anything for you guys so I feel really sorry. I came into the group late but you guys “dragged me” all the way here, so thank you. We’re going to continue to spend a lot of time together so I hope we can be sad together and happy together.

To our leader, Sun Ye, you went through so many hardships..and despite having an older person in the group than you, you do your job as a leader so well, so I’m so thankful. To our Ye Eun, like Sun Ye you pull us together so well. And as a dongseng and as a friend, thanks for being so supportive of me.

To our cutie Sun Mi, when everyone else was tired you would show us your “aegyo” so thanks for taking the role as the “good-atmospere-maker.” And to our So Hee, without a single complaint you followed us. You took care of your unnie, unlike a maknae, you show us your mature side by always taking care of me. thanks. I can’t say anything else but thank you. I love you.

Ye Eun
To our Wonder Girls members whom I love. First of all..more than a year and a half has passed, and during this time we went through a lot of painful experiences and good experiences…but putting that aside I want to thank you guys for sticking together …I think I’m even thankful just for your existence. …really…umm….really ..I know I have a lot of flaws…but I’m always thankful to you guys for filling in those gaps (my flaws)…

we still have a lot more places to go, so let’s not give up now, let’s reach for the very end until we aren’t capable to reach further. ..just like how we are now, let’s help each other, let’s be supportive of each other, be there for each other, and reach til the end, together. I love you.

So Hee
Umm..the people before we talked so well, I’m not sure if I was of any strength/ help to the other members, but I’ve gained so much strength from them …It ’s been a short period but it also feels like a long time as well. but I’m so glad and happy we’re going through this together. Even when we are in pain, it’s because of us five members that I think we were able to get though all those tough times. I’m not sure what will happen in the future, or the obstacles that lies in our path but…I hope we all smile and get through this together….

you all..well, I’m the youngest…but I don’t even act I don’t know…
um…thank you.
作者: 中文王    時間: 2008-10-7 15:08

作者: hinchi20    時間: 2008-10-8 01:14

Don't cry..
I will support WG FOREVER

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