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作者: ---儀---    時間: 2009-12-23 10:51     標題: [091223]WG官方Twitter更新 - wg送出的禮物

Source: Wonder Girls World

Hello, Fan*tastics!

Thank you everyone so much for the comments!
There were so many of them that we loved. They were all very sweet and cute.
But…….the lucky 10 fans are chosen.
Congratulations! and 10 of you will receive an e-mail from our JYPE staff.

These are the winners for the Wonder Girls Holiday Gifts event~!


annehsm says:
I would give Sunmi/MiMi an ANTI-SICKNESS COUPON! 
When you are feeling too overwhelmed or like you are going to become ill, you must present this coupon to a doctor who will then retrieve the secret medicine that cures and/or prevents any sickness! It also has the ability to give you EXTRA HP (Health Points)!  
I would give this to Sunmi because I don’t want her to get sick or anything and since she hurt her ankle last time, this could help her.
Of course, I would like for all the Wonder Girls to have some ANTI-SICKNESS COUPONS too!  
It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy cold and windy O_O;;

priscillialoveswg says: I Love all you Wonder Girls. I can’t really choose a favorite…I Love all of you.If I had to choose a favorite It would be Sun Mi. I chose you Sun mi, because you remind me much of myself. She has a very 4D personality, and is a huge dork. …So am I (:
Dear Sun Mi,
What I would give you for christmas is a chance to come to my school, & experience hanging out with me and my 4D personality friends. Since I’ve heard you had very little memory of being at school, and hanging out with Your friends. I think You’ll really enjoy it. We are huge dorks(:
Knowing you don’t have much memory of it kills me inside; I can’t imagine not being able to have much of a school life…So, as a christmas present..I would invite you to my school. So You can experience what it’s like(:
I put very much thought in this for my favorite wonder Girl… I would Love it if you chose me..You’ve really been an inspiration for me…


matadormi5 says: For YENNY!!!! Your Christmas gift would be a super stylish dessert truck that delivered ice cream, cheesecake, fried dough, funnel cake, everything! Desserts=Happiness haha, there would be enough desserts for you, Sun, Mimi, Sohee, Yubin, JYP and the entire JYP Family. Of course I would include a robot driver so it could follow you on all the Wonder Girls’ future tours around the ENTIRE WORLD!

witnessthewonduh says: I would give Yeeun an all-paid-for cooking lessons by all sorts of Chefs (from Korean to Thai to Japanese and more). In addition to her other classes, she’ll learn how to cook up delicious meals from any country. I know she loves to try out new food and what better way to experience them than to make them yourself! She already has previous experience from Wonder Bakery, but learning from professional chefs would give her an even better experience with food. After learning how to make new things, she can feed the other Wonder Girls and make them love food as much as her xD! Then maybe also she could have a contest for fans where if they win, they can get fed by Yeeun herself<3 Yeeun, I love you so much (: !!

dreamlessnightsky says: oh wow.. I LOVE ALL of them. but, I choose one I will pick Yoobin. I would get her a Library full of books all over the world with a snack bar of her favorite food. Since Yoobin loves to read books, I would suggest to buy her a libarary dedicating to her and she could have it. It will be boring if the libaray just only have books and computer, but why not a food bar in it? It will be all her favorite dishes she enjoy and other food she would lke to request. It will be free to the Wonder Girls, JYP,and other artist in JYP companies also thier families. It will be a treat for all! Including music section in the library. Since Yoobin love music and everyone in Wonder Girls, why not. Since I dont have enough money, day by day, I will save my money to own and buy one. Or just buy many books and send it out to Yoobin herself. But my personal goal is buying the library.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love you Wonder Girls very much since debut in Korea!

Bernardo says: Hi WG! My name’s Bernardo, but you can call me BM.
I do love all of you, and I can say every member of WG is a gear of a magic clock.
Every one of you girls have something special that I love.
You and your awesome voice have made my interest in k-music blossom.
Principally when I’ve listened the rap part of Nobody and So Hot. \o/
So, the one I most love is nobody but YuBin.
Since I’m Brazillian, my gift for Bin would be a tour in Rio de Janeiro. I’d show you all the world-famous beaches here, Copacabana, Ipanema, Itacoatiara and others. I don’t know why, but I do think that those ones, which were the scenarios for the bossa nova music, fit your style. Sun, sand, the ocean and your voice, like a mermaid! ^.^
But I think it would be incomplete with all of your friends, wouldn’t it? So they’re ALL invited! Coconut water for everyone one of you, ok girls? XD
Then I think, the real present for you would be a vacation, here in Rio, with all of your friends.
Love you all Girls!! Thnks for your commitment to bring your amazing songs for us all! Sarange!


dancingkat says: WONDER GIRLS!! aww man….i love all of you….i can’t just choose one…..well since i really really have too…..i choose…..MANDU SOHEE!! She is such a fun person and knows style!! If i could give her any type of gift, it would be a whole week to herself….she can do anything!! hang out with family and friends!! She could go sledding and drink hot chocolate and watch movies all day and be with family for the holidays!! sharing all the love!!! because she has just this one week to do anything, she should be with family and with the rest of the wonder girls!! being with the people you love for the holidays is the gift i will give you!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS GIRLS AND MAY IT BE WARM, SWEET, RELAXING AND LOVING!!

alovessh says: My favorite member is SOHEE!!!
i would get her the best boyfriend because i remember her saying that she wanted a boyfriend i think for chuseok?? or i would get her a gift card to go on a shopping spree because she loves clothing and is a fashionista!!!


bishieluv92 says: My favorite Wonder Girl is Sun Ye, and for the holidays I would give her a DVD of video compilations of inspiring messages from her fans all over the world that she can watch whenever she feels down or stressed. Whenever I feel stressed the encouraging words of friends and loved ones cheers me up so much and inspires me to continue on, so it would be nice for Sun to have that encouragement too wherever she goes.
Along with the DVD I would give her a bracelet inscribed with the line: “Listen to the song here in my heart. A melody I start, but I will complete.” It is from the song “Listen” by Sun’s favorite singer Beyonce. Whenever Sun would look at it, I hope that she would be inspired to continue carrying out her dreams despite the obstacles that might come up.
♥Shantelle Williams

isami says: I love WG! If i were able to give a present to one of you, I’ll choose Sunye unnie ^^ and because I also love you all I’ll also give you as a present all my love and my support ♥.
So for Sunye unnie…I’ll give her a pair of plane ticket for her and her lovely grandma to go to the vatican city, why this present? Because I’m a christian as Sunye unnie and i were in the vatican city and all the things I felt there has no price. So I want my sunye unnie to experience that feeling and because I know she really love her grandma I want she to experience that felling with her grandma ^^. I know this present may sound weird or strange but as a christian I know she would like it ^^v.
So Sunye unnie stay healthy this christmas and has a lot of fun!
I love you ♥

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