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Ever Wanted to Live the Extravagant Life Style of JYP?

Have you ever wanted to live the extravagant life styles of the high rollers like JYP? To live the good life,

drink the finest wines, and enjoy all the comforts money can buy?

(Pictures are of the Wonder Girls' tour bus)

Welll... you can't. However, you can still eat like JYP because herecently tweeted with pictures of

him enjoying some good old ramen withthe Wonder Girls.

It's actually a little disappointing because I thought for sure that ifyou're rolling in a car like that, it's pretty much required by lawthat you eat nothing but truffles, caviar and the juiciest meat of anextinct animal. Even so, his ramen still looks so tasty while the ramenI make looks like something even homeless people wouldn’t eat. What'sup with that? I mean I know life isn't fair, but this is ridiculous.

