
091017 Mnet官網公告:今年沒有MKMF!

2009 MKMF canceled?

....我好期待mkmf 嫁...無嫁話,真係少左d野~
不過佢可能係 10週年有d搞作姐~~應該有掛@@@

2009 MKMF canceled?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
With not much good happening in 2009 already, we really didn't see this coming.

With less than a month to go to November, things are strangely quiet over at Mnet regarding their 2009 MKMF(Mnet Korean Music Festival). But things got slightly kind of clear orconfusing depending on how you see it, when Mnet updated their MKMF website with a strange message.

Visitors were greeted with a message in red saying, ""No MKMF this year!" which was followed by a heartbeat dying and also a video message saying the same thing.

But with no official sources reporting about this and 2009 being the10th anniversary of MKMF, it's hard to believe 100% that it wouldn't behappening. Would someone go to such lengths to design something likethis just to notify that it's not holding the event? It could be Mnet'smarketing campaign for MKMF. We will have to wait and see.

