
[新聞] [110416]Brave Girls 會選 WG 為她們的榜樣

[110416]Brave Girls 會選 WG 為她們的榜樣

Source: Star News via Nate

In their interview with Star News, Brave Girls revealed that the Wonder Girls were their role model.
於明星新聞訪問中, Brave Girls提及Wonder Girls是她們的榜樣.

They stated, “We want to promote as actively as possible so that we have a chance at winning the rookie award for the year. Our role model is our seniors and the nation’s girl group, the Wonder Girls.”
她們提及「我們想盡可能都活躍地宣傳, 希望我們有機會贏取今年的新人獎。 我們的榜樣是我們的前輩以及世界性女子組合,Wonder Girls。」

When asked about the competition they face from other debut groups like CHI CHI and Rania, they replied, “We want all of the new rookie girl group debuts to do well and we hope they all achieve what they are working for.”

They continued, “We know how hard it is to get to where we are now, so our wish is for every girl group out there to do well.”

