
[MTV]The Wonder Girls and 2PM Knocked Our Socks Off

[MTV]The Wonder Girls and 2PM Knocked Our Socks Off

Photos by Alex Uhlmann
[credits: mtv iggy]

    Even though our producer never gave us the onstage cameos we were practicing for all week – the rest of our preparation helping these girls make their NYC debut more than paid off! The dresses were stunning, the hair as shiny as it was smooth, and the girls sang those songs with all the love their crazy, adorable fans put out there.

There’s no doubt about it – The Wonder Girls are nothing like U.S. bred and born pop groups. Younger, hotter and better trained, we see no reason why everyone wouldn’t love them. (BTW, if Sohee’s adorable smile didn’t melt your heart, there is just really nothing that could.)

Whether we were watching 2PM and Wonder Girls flirt backstage, or taking the time to let the gorgeous boys practice their English with us (it was really a sacrifice, we know), the Iggy team has never had more fun at a show.

So keep rooting for these guys! They need our love and support to take the U.S. by storm, and NOBODY BUT YOU can make it happen.

