


2009.04.16 Thursday 15:03

Hello~ This is YeEun… ^^
I was worrying about where to write this
and eventually found the diary to be most comfortable~ (minus the stickers……)
You’re all doing well, right?
I’m doing very well~
Today I dyed my hair.. (I posted the pictures..)
I was wondering if I should return to black hair
but with the people around me mixed between offering suggestions or trying to dissuade me
in the end I decided on brown, I’m very satisfied ^^
I’ve done a lot of sightseeing, eaten a lot of delicious things, exercised
and I’m having many precious experiences..
And I’m hard at lurking on fan cafes and fan sites. Keke
Occasionally I feel the urge to post a response,
but I don’t think that’s a very good idea~
If I were to write a post then whenever you all write something about me
you’ll become uncomfortable~
Anyhow, I’m enjoying reading…. - -+ Hehehe Keke

It’s likely that from now on I’ll be using the site called twitter
to post pictures or messages~ Or videos perhaps..
If you were to ask why I’m only uploading to American sites but not Korean sites,
If I want to upload pictures to CyWorld, I have to post to 4 different levels and make 2 round trips
…I probably shouldn’t make that kind of excuse…
But please don’t be so disappointed ㅜㅜ I’ll post like this occasionally..
I’d like it if you were always healthy and happy~ (How random..;)

I kind of miss you all a lot WonDerFuls ..^^
And just because the weather’s let up a little, don’t dress in clothes that are too thin~ Understand?

I’ll lo… I…

I’ll load a lot of pictures. Bye ^^

