
[090421]Wonder Girls瑜彬對一些惡評“我絕對不會受傷”

[090421]Wonder Girls瑜彬對一些惡評“我絕對不會受傷”

http://www.wondergirlshk.com/dis ... p;page=1&extra=

WonderGirls YooBin speaks up to the criticisms fired at her lately about her body.

The main screen to her Cyworld Minihompy on the 20th writes, “I will not receive any more hurt. Rather I am thankful for all the concerns! All the criticisms I got at my photo album, no longer recognisable like the mashed red beans inside sweet HoDo cookie.”

YooBin said in her post, “Regarding my body, I think I am still putting on weight. There are many people who like me and cares about me, and I had received many comments of advice and concern. Everyone is curious about my condition. Even though I’m not perfect, I am sufficiently satisfied with my body.”

“Even though I like the trend of being skinny these days, I prefer to have a suitable and healthy body. I am also controlling my diet and doing exercises.“

She also added, “During the ‘Nobody’ days, actually there wasn’t proper managing of my body and health, and my body condition was not good. But with doing a concert now, I have lose some weight and I feel healthy. For people who are looking at me and feels that I am plump and unfit, I am feeling healthy and I like my looks now a lot.“

[Credits: KBites & shinhdeplol @ soompi]


wonder girls瑜彬最近給惡評當頭一棒成為熱門。
瑜彬把迷你小窩的皮膚換成" 我絶對不會受傷。相反會感謝熱情的關注!我相册裡的惡評,說我是包著豆沙的甜核桃餅乾我都承認"
瑜彬的問候主頁中也寫到" 不管誰說我什麼我還是很好。從頭到腳都可愛死了。不管誰說我什麼我還是很自豪。非常自豪想要撫摸她"
同時瑜彬也交代了自己在美國的近況。" 我們非常好的機會美國的商店。我們學習了很多,請稍稍等待會變的更好的我們。還想要的表達很多但是在這裡想不到比再見更多的話。
wonder girls會一路順風"
wonder girls留在美國準備出道。前幾天wonder girls在其ninjin博客上發表了" 你好 new york"的文章。

