
[090617]Rain培養的女新人 ‘Da Hee’

[090617]Rain培養的女新人 ‘Da Hee’


Debut date is delayed once again. Just in case anyone forgot how she supposedly looks like

06.16.09 The first newcomer trained by Rain will debut in August.

The first newcomer trained by Rain will debut this August, and she is just 16years old in the first grade at high school and stands just about 5.4 feet.

According to Rain’s agent last 15th, this Female Rain was originally going to debut in April, but she is falling behind in her debut due to every preparation for the operations related to her debut song and stage costume. Her music album has come to the finish except one song.

The newcomer called ‘Da Hee’ is now working with running down in beads for dance training in a practice room located in Apgujeongdong.

from: Edaily
Brief translation by rain bird
credit: sixtofive1982
  • sally wonder +2 精品文章 2009-6-17 20:16

