
[新聞] [100624]JYPE 暫時對 Wonder girls 未來的規劃

[100624]JYPE 暫時對 Wonder girls 未來的規劃

Regarding the passing of Wonder Girls’ leader Sunye’s father today, JYP Entertainment spoke to the media about her status and what may happen to the Wonder Girl’s future activities.


  “Sunye’s father passed away today. Sunye is staying in Korea after finishing her Singapore promotions. She is currently at the funeral home working on funeral preparations.

    The members are staying in the U.S because of their tour but because they can’t take care of Sunye, they are very sorry.

    Regarding Sunye’s status, JYPE said, “Sunye is suffering very deeply because of her close relationship with her father. Because she is crying so much, she is physically weak. After the funeral, we will discuss with Sunye about future plans and the U.S tour.”


Sunye’s love for her family is famous and on a June episode of Family Outing 2, she read a letter expressing her regrets to her father. She became emotional saying that “she made her father hurt but is so grateful he brought her into this world. She also said she’s sorry because she couldn’t say I love you to him.”

Her close friend recently said, “At the death of her father, Sunye is going through an unexplainable amount of pain and sadness.”

Netizens have offered their condolences saying, “Even if you cry and cry, this is a pain that has no end.” “He will definitely support you from above.”  ”Be courageous.”

關於今天Wonder Girls隊長先藝的爸爸過世, JYP Entertainment 向媒體發表關於她情形和Wonder Girls 未來的活動

先藝的父親在今天過世. 新加坡的促銷活動結束後先藝留在韓國. 她現在在殯儀館準備葬禮的準備工作.
團員們會留在美國. 因為她們的巡演而不能照顧先藝 她們非常的抱歉.

關於先藝的情形 JYPE說: 先藝現在非常的痛苦 因為她和她父親的關係非常親近.  先藝的身體很虛弱 因為她哭很久. 葬禮之後 我們會跟先藝討論她未來的計畫和巡迴.

先藝對她家人的愛是非常有名的, 在六月的家族誕生2裡, 她讀了一封信表達她對父親的遺憾.  她情緒激動的說: 她讓她父親傷心 但是很感謝他帶她到這個世界. 她也說: 她非常的抱歉 她不能對爸爸說"我愛你"

她的好朋友最近說: "在她父親去世後, 先藝正在經歷一個沒有辦法解釋的痛苦和傷心中."

網友們已經表達她們的慰問: 即使你哭了又哭, 這個痛苦沒有盡頭.(“Even if you cry and cry, this is a pain that has no end.”)  他會在上面持你的(“He will definitely support you from above.”  )
要勇敢 (”Be courageous.”)

