
[101017]miss A’s Min loses her shoe

[101017]miss A’s Min loses her shoe

miss A’s Min unfortunately had to endure an embarrassing moment during their recent performance of ‘Breathe‘ on this week’s ‘Music Core’.

All was going well, and the group was giving another brilliant performance with their unique choreography, but then Min’s shoe accidentally flew off as she was making a kicking movement with her leg.

Despite only one shoe on, Min still carried through and successfully ended their stage as if nothing happened. After the performance, fans voiced out, “Min was able to handle the crisis well”, “I admired Min’s professionalism by continuing to sing right till the end.”

It may have been an embarrassing moment, but it was a priceless one nevertheless. Check out the moment in slo-mo GIF action below, along with the reaction of her and others on Twitter.


