
[投票] [110122]大家快d去投我地深愛ge WG一票啦!!

呢個投票係7月ga, 神早就播咗出街la, 我每個星期都追, 佢哋係5月囉個三連冠, 個投票區而家係IU la...:5645:5645 :5645  

呢個係最新ge: http://www.arirang.co.kr/Tv/Pops ... o4&sys_lang=Eng

而你囉咗7月ge... http://www.arirang.co.kr/TV/Pops_Weekly10.asp?PROG_CODE=TVCR0102

'Making your Choice

You can have three votes to cast, but casting your votes for the same song is not allowed.
The Results of the vote you have casted will be reflected on the next week's Big 10 rank.

2010-07-01 ~ 2010-07-08 (KST)
Due to Overheating of the Servers and Other Reasons, Voting Can Be Closed Before the Closing Date!'

[ 本帖最後由 jonathanyyt 於 2011-1-23 00:49 編輯 ]
永遠支持小隊, 閔先藝<3

