
[090210]Wonder Girls ningin更新

[090210]Wonder Girls ningin更新

Back in Korea!

Hey everyone!

We’re back in Seoul! We’re sooo jetlagged from the flight…jetlag is the right word, right?
I think we’re all going to just rest today.
We miss LA already!!! Can’t wait to go back and meet with our fans for our concert in March!
Hope you guys can all make it!
You guys also heard about the WONDER GIRLS DANCE contest right?? So all you dancers out there – sign up!!!
We’ve seen youtube clips of all different types of people dancing to our songs and we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to hopefully give something back to our fans!

In the meantime, we’ll keep you updated with our concert preparations and events going on while we’re here in Seoul.
Oh and I almost forgot…
kimmiemai, this is Ye Eun.
I got your gift package. JYP’s New York office sent it to my hotel while we were still in LA.Thank you so much. It was very sweet of you. I will make sure to read those books and make my English better. And thank you for the chocolate too! It was sooo good!

Till next time-





