
[其他留言或資料] [100201]官方NOBODY CHINESE VERSION部份歌詞


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you know i still love you baby
& it will never change
我愛你 wo ai ni (i love you)

i want nobody nobody but you
i want nobody nobody but you
不管誰先傷害誰 bu guan shui xian shang hai shui (no matter who hurts who first)
我只需要你安慰 wo zhi xu yao ni an wei (i just need your comfort)
i want nobody nobody nobody nobody

亂了心扉 luan le xin fei (my heart is confused)
我不屬於誰 wo bu shu you shui (i don't belong to anyone)
別裝作無所謂 bie zhuang zuo wu suo wei (don't pretend it doesn't matter)
刻意忽略我的美 ke yi hu lue wo de mei (deliberately neglect my beauty)

高腳酒杯 gao jiao jiu bei (a wine goblet)
已臻滿頹廢 yi zhen man tui fei (has reached its dispirited fill)
心慢慢在破碎 xin man man zai po sui (my heart is slowly cracking)
變成一種負累 bian cheng yi zhong fu lei (becoming a kind of burden)

我就像受傷的玫瑰 wo jiu xiang shou shang de mei gui (i am like an injured rose)
需要你澆灌著淚水 xu yao ni jao guan zhe lei shui (needing to be watered by your teardrops)
你掩飾這傷悲 ni yan shi zhe shang bei (you gloss over this sorrow)
連頭都不敢回 nian tou dou bu gan hui (not even daring to turn your head around)
像獨自長達三年的憔悴 xiang du zi chang da san nian de qiao cui (it's like a forlornly crinkle drawn out over 3 years)

chorus x 2

慢慢體會 man man ti hui (gradually begin to feel)
幸福的滋味 xing fu de zi wei (the feeling of happiness)
只要與你相隨 zhi yao yu ni xiang sui (if only to go hand in hand with you)
世界都變得完美 shi jie dou bian de wan mei (the world has become perfect)
將猶豫剪碎 jiang you yu jian sui (to shred my hesitation)
愛那麼的昂貴 ai na me de ang gui (love is so costly)
就去了防備 jiu qu le fang bei (doing away with my caution)
在心裡面陶醉 zai xin li mian tao zui (my heart is intoxicated inside)

這份愛好像是花蕊 zhe fen ai hao xiang shi hua rui (this love is like a flower pistil)
別輕易就讓它枯萎 bie qing yi jiu rang ta ku wei (don't feebly let it wilt)
未來要怎麼追 wei lai yao zen me zhui (how to pursue my future)
請不要不理會 qing bu yao bu li hui (please don't ignore)
只想和你緊緊地依偎 zhi xiang he ni jin jin de yi wei (just want to cuddle with you closely)

chorus x 2

i don't want body body
i don't want body body

遇見你 yu jian ni (meeting you)
相信上帝 xiang xin shang di (believe in god)
才能讓我安穩入睡 cai neng rang wo an wen ru shui (only then can i sleep peacefully)

chorus x 2


Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Nothing else matters other than you and me
So tell me why can't it be
Please let me live my life my way
Why do you push me away
I don't want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you.

[ 本帖最後由 中文王 於 2010-2-3 23:53 編輯 ]
  • ---儀--- wonder +10 精品文章 2010-2-3 23:53



