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[其他留言或資料] 官方tell me chinese VER. 歌詞[#8更新另一版本加拼音]

官方tell me chinese VER. 歌詞[#8更新另一版本加拼音]

要怎麼的運氣     讓你愛上我
亂了頭緒    心狂跳不已

在眼裡    在夢裡    你不要離去
怪我不自信    愛上這甜蜜

我愛你 愛得總是很小心    害怕會 無意間失去你
喜歡看 你那明亮的眼睛
刻在   心底最美的記憶

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
其實你早愛上我    一生一世等著我

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
大聲說出 你需要我 要我愛你

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
我想一直聽你說 說你已離不開我

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
大聲說出 你需要我 要我愛你

不是夢   為什麼    心跳在加快
愛沒有邊際      就快要決堤
每一次 當你說 愛我的時候 像有股電流穿過了身體

不知道 站在這裡 等了多久
昐望著 可以給我一絲溫柔 有一天如果時光能夠倒流
請你  說出愛我的理由

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
其實你早愛上我    一生一世等著我

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
大聲說出 你需要我 要我愛你

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
我想一直聽你說 說你已離不開我

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
大聲說出 你需要我 要我愛你
tell me tell me tell me you
want me want me want me too
tell me tell me tell me you
love me too love me too

hit me one time baby give it to me
ok but i need another one hit me
yeah you can tell me over and over again
please keep bringing it like a postman
gotta make me believe it now

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
其實你早愛上我    一生一世等著我

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
大聲說出 你需要我 要我愛你

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
我想一直聽你說 說你已離不開我

Tell me Tell me
Tell tell tell tell tell tell tell me
大聲說出 你需要我 要我愛你
  • ---儀--- wonder +10 精品文章 2010-2-8 21:20


oh.ma  :o
L❤ve Wonder Girls
Love Sunsunmi !!



[ 本帖最後由 siulop 於 2010-2-8 20:18 編輯 ]
  • ---儀--- wonder +10 你跟丁一起想出來,加分 2010-2-8 23:52
언니들..홍콩오세용 ㅋ






心( )跳不已
喜歡看你那( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
❤Wonder girls 원더걸스

Wonder girls, follow your dream! We will always stand by you.


係韓文  個度係一個重點


[100209]Tell me中文版歌詞+拼音


要怎樣 的運氣 讓你愛上我 yao zen yang de yun qi rang ni ai shang wo (what kind of luck can make you love me)
亂了呼吸 心狂跳不已 luan le hu xi xin kuang tiao bu yi (i'm breathless, my heart pounding like mad)

在夜里 在夢里 你不要離去 zai ye li zai meng li ni bu yao li qu (in the evenings, in my dreams, you don't leave)
怪我不自信 愛上這甜蜜 guai wo bu zi xin ai shang zhe tian mi (blame it on my diffidence, falling in love this sweetly)

我愛你愛的總是很小心 wo ai ni ai de zong shi hen xiao xin (i love how you love to be always so careful)
害怕迷霧里時失去你 hai pa mi wu li shi shi qu ni (scared of losing you in the dense fog)
喜歡看你那明亮的眼睛 xi huan kan ni na ming liang de yan jing (fond of looking at your beaming eyes)
刻在 心底最美的記憶 ke zai xin di zui mei de ji yi (it's engraved, the loveliest memory in my deepest heart)

tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me
其實你早晚想我 qi shi ni zao wan xiang wo (actually you think of me day & night)
一生一世等着我 yi sheng yi shi deng zhe wo (waiting a lifetime for me)
tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me
大聲說出你需要我 da sheng shuo chu ni xu yao wo (say out loud that you need me)
要我 愛你 yao wo ai ni (want me to love you)
tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me
我想一直聽你說 wo xiang yi zhi ting ni shuo (i want to hear you straight)
說你已離不開我 shuo ni yi li bu kai wo (say you & me are inseparable)
tell me tell me t-t-t-t-tell me
大聲說出你需要我 da sheng shuo chu ni xu yao wo (say out loud that you need me)
要我 愛你 yao wo ai ni (want me to love you)

不是夢 為什么 心跳在加快 bu shi meng wei shen me xin tiao zai jia kuai (it's not a dream, why does my heartbeat quicken)
愛沒有邊際 就快要決堤 ai mei you bian ji jiu kuai yao jue di (love has no boundary, it's about to burst its banks)
每一次 當你說 愛我的時候 mei yi ci dang ni shuo ai wo de shi hou (every time, when you say you love me)
像有股電流 穿過了身體 xiang you gu dian liu chuan guo le shen ti (it's like an electric current, passing through my body)

不知道站在這里等了多久 bu zhi dao zhan zai zhe li deng le duo jiu (unaware of how long i've been waiting here)
盼望着可以給我一絲溫柔 pan wang zhe ke yi gei wo yi si wen rou (longing for a trace of tenderness towards me)
有一天如果時光能夠倒流 you yi tian ru guo shi guang neng guo dao liu (if i can turn back the clock one day)
聽你 說出愛我的理由 ting ni shuo chu ai wo de li you (to hear you, say out the reasons for loving me)


tell me tell me tell me you
want me want me want me too
tell me tell me tell me you
love me too love me too

hit me one time baby give it to me (tell me tell me)
okay but I need another one hit me (tell me tell me)
yeah just tell me over & over & over again
keep bringing it like you so said
聽你 說出愛我的理由 ting ni shuo chu ai wo de li you (to hear you, say out the reasons for loving me)
gotta make me believe now baby baby




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冇左omona呀= =
最愛miso<3         ♥饅頭♥小美


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