
[其他留言或資料] [090714]電台內容 - 先藝講及學習英文很難,會努力(#4更新翻譯)

[090714]電台內容 - 先藝講及學習英文很難,會努力(#4更新翻譯)


[translation: bequietimhappy@ Wodnerfuls World]
[credit: Wonderholic]

Performing for the Jonas Brothers concert on the 10th and 11th, Wonder Girls opened the shows in Chicago twice. Although the tour in Chicago was their 9th performance, it was different from the rest. This is because it was the first performance that was held at a metropolis city and where the reaction of Asian fans were hot. A local press got a full coverage of their most recent activities. Immediately following their performance, we met with the Wonder Girls.

America’s Reaction? SO Hot!
Wonder Girls have been performing in an American concert and receiving the response of the audience directly.
Wonder Girls’ youngest member So Hee said, “The American audience appeared fascinated by five Asian girls in heavy make-up, bold hairstyle and flashy clothing. It was a relief that they were easily able to follow along to the dance and have fun with it.” Sun Mi added, “Since our songs are from 1950~1960s and our styles are reminiscent of the Motown era, the parents seemed to like it as well.”
When asked about the burden of leaving Korea to pursue success in a foreign country, Yoo Bin replied, “I’m usually not the type to get nervous, but I was extremely tense before our first opening performance in America. I think it’s because we’re in a different place and there is a burden that comes with having to do well as representations of Korean singers.”
“We faced many unfamiliar situations throughout our performances. However, music is universal and is something anyone–man or woman, young or old–can enjoy. The 3 minutes spent on stage in Korea or America is all the same.” (Sun Ye)

English Language Barrier
3rd month of life in America. Sun Ye confessed that she struggles a lot with English. “Performing the song in English was extremely difficult. I always review my English before each performance, but it’s not easy. The members are trying hard to help each other out with English every day,” she revealed.
Because of their participation in 45 city tours with the Jonas Brothers, the members agreed to temporarily discontinue their studies. High school student Sun Mi explained, “I debated on the decision a lot, but my parents advised me, ‘If you pass this opportunity now, it’ll be difficult to find another one like it again.’” Wonder Girls did not completely quit their studies, but only for the time being so that they would be able to focus on the concert. She added, “In the near future, I will still be able to catch up on what I missed and learn many new things.”

A New Start in America
Wonder Girls’ producer JYP shared that his goal for the next 3 months is for the Wonder Girls to enter the Billboard Single Charts. Currently, the number of downloads for “Nobody” in America succeeded 5,000.
Aside from the remaining opening performances, Wonder Girls are preparing a proper announcement for their English album. Ye Eun revealed, “We plan to record an English version of their previous hit songs, “So Hot” and “Tell Me.” Jonas Brothers’ participation in our album has yet to be decided,” she implied.
Yoo Bin and Ye Eun had some final words for us. “Coming all the way to America and witnessing so many the Korean fans rooting for us gives me strength and motivates me to work harder. I hope there is even more encouragement from hereon.” (Yoo Bin) “It feels really good to have done an interview in Chicago news with fellow Koreans. We are working hard so please continue to support us and I hope to meet you again in Chicago.” (Ye Eun)
In a foreign country with unfamiliar situations during performance and food, Wonder Girls received a lot of strength from Korean fans who cheered them on and entrusts them to keep up the support.




我個人認為唔止小隊一個人學得困難  全隊wg都會好比心機咁學習=]
希望佢地可以學好英文  喺美國發展順利啦>#@%>%


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