
[新聞] [120821]miss A and the Wonder Girls Go Shopping in Tokyo

[120821]miss A and the Wonder Girls Go Shopping in Tokyo

The girls of miss A and Wonder Girls recently went shopping in Japan. On August 20, Min tweeted, “Shopping Time in Tokyo,” and attached a photo of herself with Jia and Fei, as well as Wonder Girls’ Hyelim and Yoobin.

All five girls displayed their distinctive styles with casual chic street clothes. Jia created a chic punky style, matching a white tank with denim shorts, red tights, and black sneakers. Hyelim looked cute and comfortable in a black one-piece, decorated with a big red heart. Min matched her pink printed tee with white shorts, while Yoobin wore all black and added color to her look with bright yellow snearkers. Fei went with a graphic boxy tee and sneakers.

Netizens commented, “They’re also very fashionable,” “Loving Jia’s tights,” “Adorable, it’s nice to see them so close,” “Min and Fei look so pretty,” and more.

Meanwhile, the girls, as well as their other labelmates, performed at the “JYP Nation in Japan” concert at the Yoyogi Stadium this past weekend. Over the course of two days, the company put out three concerts, performing before 36,000 Japanese fans.

Credit Soompi



女子組合Wonder Girls和miss A一起逛街shopping的照片在網上被公開後,馬上成為人們熱議的話題。

8月20日的miss A的Min在自己的twitter上寫道:“在東京的購物時間”,並一起上傳了一張照片。

公開的照片中展示了Wonder Girls和miss A成員們在日本自由休息、享受的模樣。 Wonder Girls婑斌、惠琳,miss A的Min、Jia、Fei像炫耀著相互之間的深厚友情一樣,擺出親密友愛的Pose,吸引了人們的視線。

特別是她們穿著的是自己日常的fashion,而備受關注。 Jia在上身的複古T-shirt下搭了牛仔熱褲,並穿了粉紅色的打底褲;有著獨特fashion感的Min,上衣選擇了不規則剪裁款式的碎花T-shirt,下面搭配了白色短褲,完成了街頭fashion。


看到照片的網友們紛紛表示:“跟一個組合似的”、“日常的私服也特別有風格”、“剩下的成員們跟哪呢?” “婑斌的style太帥氣”、“Jia、 Fei的身材,簡直就是犯規!”、“秀智到哪裡去了啊”等多種多樣的反應。

照片:Min twitter
轉載註明百度Wonder Girls吧


jia fei同lim係離唔開的ha

