
[其他] [130127] 韓國網民回應先藝結婚

[130127] 韓國網民回應先藝結婚

[130126] 閔先藝婚禮總帖
http://www.wondergirlshk.com/dis ... mp;extra=#pid265222

Sunye "The first current idol to get married? I'll live happily"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+268, -17] Wow, I don't know how to explain this feeling. Refreshing but also a bit sad to let her go~~~~ Sunye's really finally getting married... Promise to be happy and live well^_^

2. [+238, -13] Have a great marriage~~~ And if you have an opportunity to promote with the Wonder Girls again, please do so!!!

3. [+239, -15] Unni, be happy ㅠㅠㅠ Congratulations!^0^ It's still hard to believe that an unni who was all the rage in Korea is now getting married... The memories of my school days are already making me feel nostalgic..

4. [+28, -2] Sunye took my junior high school days by storm with Tell Me, So Hot, and Nobody... Congratulations on your marriage ^^

5. [+23, -2] I still remember seeing Sunye audition on that program while holding the hand of her grandmother.. and then I saw her grow up to hit daebak with the Wonder Girls. It feels like I'm seeing my own little sister off to her wedding ㅜㅜ Proud but also sad..


Article:'Wedding' Wonder Girls Sunye "There is no baby inside of me"

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

1. [+123, -3] Why are you asking about their first night together, journalist?

2. [+81, -1] The Wonder Girls' Sunye of my childhood, the one who sang my favorite song Tell Me, is getting married... Congratulations and be happy~

3. [+77, -0] Why are they asking about their first night together... This isn't even funny..

4. [+66, -1] Are they crazy, why would they ask such a stupid question? Who in their right mind would ask about someone's first night?

5. [+30, -4] Why are they asking about that, that should be considered sexual harassment

