
[新聞] [090629]Wonder Girls提及在美國出道舞台的印象 (#3更新中翻)

[090629]Wonder Girls提及在美國出道舞台的印象 (#3更新中翻)

[credit: K Bites]

Wonder Girls Talks about Impression of Their American Debut Stage

WonderGirls talks about their nerve-wrecking experience of their American debut stage.

The girls did the opening stage to Jonas Brothers’ concert in Portland on 27th June at 7pm (KST) infront of a 20,000-strong audience.

SunYe said, “This did not feel like 100% reality to us yet to have such a great and exciting opportunity coming to us. We did it with a heart for enjoyment more than feeling nervous and scared. What we are thankful for is that there is never sufficient things, big or small, that we have went through all these times that we find perfect. Always working hard to get that perfection is why we never stopped and that is why we got to where we are today.”

SunMi, “Today is SoHee’s birthday in American time! In Portland! In the name of WonderGirls! We are preparing for the sucess in our American debut. I didn’t know that it would come so fast, the dream that I’ve always dreamt of. It was really nerve-wrecking to walk up to the stage and put up this performance. I am so excited and nervous about performing in a new country, on a new stage in front of new people.”

YeEun, “This is our first day as opening guest. I get the feeling that it is real after talking to the tour staff and doing rehearsals. I can hear the audience shouting outside. I am worried about being able to do well on stage but I am really grateful about WonderGirls coming so far this 2 years. It is beyond our expectations that we can have our American debut so fast and we will always work hard and give our best.” with a smile.

YooBin, “How come I’m not feeling nervous at all.. Actually for my debut stage in Korea I wasn’t nervous too.. But still I’m excited. It has always been my dream to perform on American stage with my dongsaengs, and I’m so excited. I want to go on the stage quickly. I want to show and awe the audience. I want to go on stage and perform our dance and song quickly. Watch out America, we are coming.”

And for SoHee who is celebrating her birthday that day, “This is the day of our American debut and also the first day as opening guest to the concert. It still doesn’t feel like reality to me – watching the concert, and also performing for it. Releasing an album and performing in America but not in Korea – it has always been words and dreams, but doing it right now I don’t know how I’m feeling. But we will work hard as the WonderGirls.”




Wonder Girls美国出道5人5色感受-现在起真的是明星了


wonder girls在美國成功以" nobody "出道,邁出他們世界舞台的第一步。
美國時間6月27日晚上7點在rose garden portland舉行的jonas brothers 演唱會上,wonder girls在2萬名觀眾面前成功出道,邁出了她們在美國的第一步。
以" tell me " 開始作為舞台的開始,wonder girls隨著音樂擺動著可愛的舞蹈,影響到在場的每位觀眾,接著穿著白色裙子她們又表演了nobody使得現場氣氛更加火熱。
jyp entertainment表示" 這真的是一個極大的挑戰,用在韓國一樣的歌曲進攻美國的流行音樂市場,非常充滿期待,世界舞台上的wonder girls能像在韓國活動的時候一樣成功就好了。"
這天wonder girls在正式上台前都分別表達了自己的感受。
先藝: 如此一個大而淚動人心的機會的向我們襲來,我們還感覺似乎不是100%的真實。代替緊張和害怕是我們用心去享受這一刻。我感到特別慶幸的是沒有什麼意外發生,大大小小的,為了做到完美我們事先已經為此練習了好幾遍了,努力地想到要完美做到這些就是我們為什麼不止息和今天來到這裡的原因。
宣美: 美國時間的今天是昭熙的生日。在波特籣!我代表著wonder girls!我們為了能在美國成功出道一直在做著準備。但是我不知道這一天會來的這樣快,這是我一直以來的夢想,我真的鼓了很大的勇氣才能在這個舞台上走動表演。在一個陌生的國家,全新的舞台上,在陌生的觀眾面前,我真的非常的激動和緊張。
譽恩: 這是我們第一次做演唱會的開場嘉賓。在和工作人員交談採排之後我才意識到這是真實的。我能聽到觀眾外面呼喊。我很擔心我是否能在舞台上好好的表現,我真的很感激和wonder girls一走過的這兩年。能如此快的在美國出道出乎了我們的意料,我們還會一直努力做到最好。
瑜斌: 我怎麼一點都不緊張呢,事實上我在韓國的出道舞台上也一點都不緊張,但是我很興奮,一直以來能站在美國舞台上表演都是我的夢想,我很激動。我想快點站到舞台上。我想表演讓觀眾們知道我們。美國請注意,我們來了。
今天是我們在美國出道的第一天1同時也是作為演唱會嘉賓的第一天,一切似乎都還不真實,這一直以來都是我的夢想,但是真正實現的這天我卻不知道我心裡的感受,但是我想我會以wonder girls的名義更加的努力。
wonder girls在本月27日在美國發行了英文版本的" nobody " digital single,同時29日也將會在國內同步發行。wonder girls結束完她們在美國的出道舞台後將繼續前往西雅圖。

