
{專帖}♥ T-ARA ♥ 02/7 恩靜我結cut中字更新


Wonderful/V.I.P/Black Jack/4nia /A+/Citrine/Hottest/Say A/Guistar





Wonderful/V.I.P/Black Jack/4nia /A+/Citrine/Hottest/Say A/Guistar






Wonderful/V.I.P/Black Jack/4nia /A+/Citrine/Hottest/Say A/Guistar


來源allkpop    翻譯 kingsun0009
There may be a lot of idol stars currently active as an actor, but there aren’t many who are acknowledged by the general public as a true actor. This is one of the greatest reasons why T-ara’s Ham Eun Jung (23) has been the center of discussion amongst the general public as of late.
最近很多偶像都開始噹起了演員 但是大多數人並不知道他們噹起演員. 這就是 T-ARA含恩靜 目前成為社會大眾關註焦點的最大原因.

Eunjung is currently acting in the KBS drama “Dream High” as a character who feels the need to compete against her pretty, talented best friend Go Hye Mi (Bae Suzy), and thus slowly transforms from an innocent female high school student to an evil antagonist. Without Hye Mi knowing, she shows evil behavior such as going through her locker to deliberately rip her shoes or purposely dropping a flowerpot on Hye Mi. As a way to cover up her evil doings, she even lets out fake tears when confronted by Jin Gook (Taecyeon).
恩靜最近在KBS新戲 “Dream High”作為一名演員 感覺超越她的美麗有才好友 高惠美(裴秀智) 從清純的女高生 逐漸轉變成 邪惡的對手. 不被惠美所知 她的邪惡行為透過儲物櫃
慎重的提起她的鞋或蓄意對會每丟花瓶. 彷佛有思路抄控她的惡行 噹她麵對振國(澤演)時也留下虛假的眼淚.
When Chosun Daily met with Eunjung at the drama set on January 19th, the actress said, “I was able to discover than even I have an evil mind deep within me. At first it didn’t suit me, but later people began to ask, ‘Are you sure that’s not your real personality?’. I’ve even read comments such as ‘I’m really disappointed in unnie’ and ‘I like everyone in T-ara except Eunjung.’ People have slowly started to create anti-cafes against me. It’s a strange feeling, because each and every fan is very important to me. I guess this is just proof that my acting as Yoon Baek Hee comes out that naturally. In order to protect the fans of ‘idol singer Ham Eun Jung’, I try my best to show my innocence and my well-behaved manner whenever I’m not acting with Go Hye Mi.”
朝鮮日報 在1/19日 訪談 恩靜 劇中設定, 她說 “ 我能察覺我內心有著邪惡思想. 首先她不是我, 但是最近人們開始問 "你肯定那不是你真實個性嗎?" . 我看過些評論像是 "作為姐姐我真的很失望" 和 "我喜歡T-ARA每個人 恩靜除外". 許多人開始建立anti我的cafe. 這真是強烈的感覺 因為每位粉絲對我都很重要. 我想這衹是印證我把尹白熙演的很自然. 為了保住我 "偶像歌手含恩靜" 頭銜, 噹我不是和高惠美演戲時 我會儘全力展現純真的行為舉止..”

To be precise, Ham Eun Jung is actually considered an actress turned idol. Eunjung kickstarted her acting career after winning the ‘Little Miss Korea Contest‘ in 1995 with appearances on the SBS drama “Land” and the MBC drama “Best Theater”. “When I was 19, I was asked if I ever wanted to try singing. I always had interest in singing and dancing, but I worried a lot since I had never received professional training in those areas. I was also worried that I wouldn’t be able to act again.”
準確來說, 事實上 含恩靜 從演員到歌手都受到肯定. 恩靜 自從贏得1995年'小韓國小姐競賽'後 就以演員出現在SBS"土地" 和 MBC"好老師". “我19歲時,人們問我為何不噹歌手. 我對唱歌跳舞有興趣,但是我很擔心轉型這領域不會被接受. 也擔心不能再演戲.”

After three years, Eunjung finally debuted as a member of T-ara at age 22. Last year, she made a comeback into the acting industry as a main cast for the SBS drama ‘Coffee House’, for which she acted as a free and easy female in her early 20s named Kang Seung Yeon, who worried a lot about problems with job employment. “It was the first time I had read a script in a long time, so I was scared at the beginning. I didn’t know how to act and even cried on set… But I think I’ve gotten hold of it now.”
3年後 22歲的恩靜終於以T-ARA成員出道. 去年她也以SBS"咖啡屋"主演 回歸了演藝事業,飾演名為 姜勝妍 自由簡單對工作上有很多煩惱的20出頭女性 . “那是第一次我花很長時間閱讀劇本,所以起初很怕. 連哭也不知道怎麼演...但我想我現在抓住訣竅了.”

Excluding Eunjung, right from the start, the actors of “Dream High” were put on the chopping block for their poor acting skills, and the viewer ratings failed to live up to expectations.   Under such gloom, what was the atmosphere at the film set like?   She replied, “We discussed on how to improve ourselves as opposed to point out each others’ flaws.   We’d give advice and praise, like ‘that face expression was good,’or ‘what do you think of this?’   It’s not a matter of winning or losing, everyone has to do well.”
從一開始 除了恩靜, “Dream High”的演員貧乏的演技被作為砧闆,收視率曾經令人失望. 在這灰暗時刻,究竟它的魅力是什麼? 她說 “我們討論如何去指出每個人的特點來改進自身.也互相鼓勵稱贊 像是 "臉部錶情很好" 或 "你認為這是?" 無關輸贏,大家都儘力做好.”

She also complimented her fellow castmates, Wooyoung, IU, and Suzy by stating, “Other than me being a bit more used to film sets, I’m not better than them at all.   The only advice I give is stuff like complimenting their script reading or mentioning how nice they look at a certain angle.”
她也稱贊劇中衕學, 佑榮 IU 和 秀智 說“不論扮演的腳色多渺小, 一點也不輸他們. 我唯一給的忠告基本上像是稱贊他們閱讀劇本 或是贊美他們看起來像自信的天使.”

Source: Chosun Ilbo via Nate

In the third episode, Eunjung performs a remix of miss A’s “Bad Girl Good Girl.”    When asked whether she felt bad about the producers choosing a miss A song over a T-ara song, she replied, “I think the director purposely chose it to keep up a sense of tension.    I remember someone once said that I was ‘even stealing Suzy’s song now.’    I just consider it one of the joys of watching a drama.”
在第3集 恩靜錶演重製的miss A’s “Bad Girl Good Girl.” 噹被問到PD為何不選T-ARA的歌而選擇 miss A的歌是否感覺不好, 她說 “我想PD的目的是要製造緊張的感覺. 我記的有人說過我是"現在我不是偷竊秀智的歌" 我衹是認為它是看戲的趣味性.”

She added, “Bae Yong Joon senior is currently hospitalized, but he’d send me texts of support like ‘your gaze was strong today.’    Park Jin Young senior teaches me singing and dancing every opportunity he gets.”
她又說 “裴勇俊前輩最近住院,但是他給我短消息祝福 "你今天眼神很犀利". 樸振英前輩衹要有機會就教我唱歌跳舞.”

Eunjung revealed that she enjoys watching dramas and movies, but for the purpose of her role, she avoids them now.     She reasoned, “On days I watch movies, I immerse myself into the leading role.    I’ll just watch them all at once after the filming for ‘Dream High’ ends.    For now, I just want to immerse myself into the role of Baek Hee, so I don’t have much time to think of anything else”
恩靜說她很歡看電視電影,但這是為了她的腳色,目前沒看了. 原因是 “我看電影的時期,沉醉在主角. ‘Dream High’ 拍攝結束後 才會一次性看完. 現在我衹想要融入尹白熙的腳色,所以沒時間想其他事情”.

She concluded, “Next time, I want to act as a lover in a sweet romantic comedy or a mellow genre.    Just like in ‘Coffee House,’ and now in ‘Dream High,’ all I’ve been playing are roles that have crushes.”
她說 “下次, 我要在甜美浪漫喜劇或寫實劇 演一名情人. 不是"咖啡屋" 和現在的‘Dream High,’這樣讓人心碎的腳色.”

Wonderful/V.I.P/Black Jack/4nia /A+/Citrine/Hottest/Say A/Guistar





Wonderful/V.I.P/Black Jack/4nia /A+/Citrine/Hottest/Say A/Guistar



태어나서 처음으로 네일아트하는곳에가서 손관리를 받아보았다. 손스크럽도하구 촛농같은물에 손도 당가보았다 (>人<;) 이름은 까먹었다. 손이 조금은 보들보들해진것같아 기분이 좋았다.   ( acute; ▽ ` )햐-

出生以來第一次去做美甲的地方接受了手部護理.還做了手部磨砂 在蠟油一樣的水裡 手部還抹了糖(>人<;)(糖的)名字 忘得一幹二淨.手好像變得稍微軟和了 心情很不錯.(ˊ▽ˋ )哈呀-

f:tiara bar





T-ara 孝敏,拥有端正的嵴椎和干净的血


2日作为新年特辑放送的KBS《idol 健康美女选拔大会》(全永泽 导演)里 narsha,孝敏,嘉熙,权素贤等女子idol出演,通过对健康状态的检查从她们中间选出最好的健康美女.

孝敏有着出演者中最端正的嵴椎和干净的血,在这两项中排名第一 独自晋升2冠王.




